When we focus on God and surrender our cares to Him, He will provide what we need.
Just let God. How many times have we tried to do something on our own and continually failed over and over again? This is usually because it’s a God battle and not ours. When we focus on God and surrender our cares to Him, He will provide what we need. We must also make a note that if it’s not His will, there’s nothing we can do to change His mind. So in that case, we must accept it and keep on pressing forward. There’s a reason for every season in your life and the key is to keep your mind stayed on God. He will always know what He’s doing and He will always do what is best for you, So rest in knowing everything will be alright if you just let God work it out. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.
Just Let God
Just let God. How many times have we tried to do something on our own and continually failed over and over again?